Saturday, January 24, 2009

Health Issues

The health issue that I am most concerned about right now is hormonal changes within a woman's body as she ages. I have noticed since I reached my 30's my body is experiencing many changes which are difficult to understand and cope with. I have tried to discuss and learn about these changes with my OB-GYN. I had to meet with her nurse otherwise I would have had to wait another 2 1/2 months to meet with the actual doctor. I gave her a brief summary of some of the changes and she responded with, "Do you want to take antidepressants?" I explained I'm not depressed I just want to know more about myself and how to take care of myself. In my opinion the healthcare field is more about money than taking more time to keep up with research and giving quality care to patients.
I spoke to three different women about what they thought were major health concerns. The responses were heart disease, obesity and smoking. I think they were considering society as a whole and not themselves personally. The women that I surround myself with are all nurturers and usually consider others before themselves.
In my opinion, I think we need to take care of ourselves in order to assist in taking care of others.


  1. Hi Silver,

    I know what you mean about the hormone change after thirty! I also spoke to my doctor who suggested I try vigorous exercise(breaking a sweat) for at least one hour a day. I don't always get to commit to that much time(not at all lately), but it does make a huge difference for me. I don't seem to have the extreme of any emotion the way I do when I am not exercising. It also keeps my stress in check. I hope you can find something that works for you too.

  2. Hello Silver,
    I am a mother of 3 kids and my hormones sometimes seem out of wack. I am always hot, but if I have my hair up it seems to help. I noticed this more often after the birth of my 3rd child in 2005. I have had problems with doctors as well and had to pay more and signed up with a PPO for my insurance. Sometimes the doctors do not seem to take the patients seriously. My girlfriends my age, I'm 42 are starting to experience the same thing. MY whole beef is if we have to carry the babies for 9 months, give birth, have monthly cycles, and now hormonal imbalances with all the side effects, what do men go through? I have started walking as a result of a bet with my 21 year old kid and it does seem to help with this issue and its a good stress reliever and body toner. Good luck to you.
