Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blog 11

If everyone lived with our future in mind I think we would only live a little different. It is my opinion that different people have a different perspective of how to make a better future. This goes back to the beginning of creating the foundation for our country. Some thought it would be better to let the states have more control in the decision making and legislation for their own people and others thought the federal government should have more control.
I am not naive to think there are not selfish people out there that ultimately just want to earn another dollar but their ambition does affect others by creating opportunities and challenges.
I think to a degree many people do think about our future. It's the path we all choose for our future that makes a big difference. The path is what holds or lacks knowledge, opportunities, right and wrong decisions, challenges, and many hard lessons learned.
Ultimately, if "everyone" lived with our future in mind there would be a little less selfishness but we would still have the diversity on what our future should contain.

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