Saturday, May 9, 2009

Blog 14

I can speak from experience it is difficult to find balance in my professional, educational, and personal life. Prioritizing, being flexible, and a good support system is essential. One of my biggest concerns about getting and continuing my education was that I would miss out on special events or moments with my family because my schedule was too demanding. It has been a constant trial and error way of life but I've learned to roll with it and learn to adapt. This has been very difficult and painful at times but I continue to remind myself it will be worth it one day and I am setting an example for my child (soon to be children).
Another important thing to do is always find time for rest and recoup. It will keep you from burning out and giving in altogether.
Most of all I believe I am setting a good example for my daughter on the importance of getting her degree right out of high school in order to have more time with her family later. She is old that she will remember the late nights and weekends mom was up studying or doing homework.
Overall, it is up to us to determine what is most important and live accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in that it is hard to find balance. I still have no balance, so something has to give for me. It is usually housework, it just piles up day after day. Like you I feel bad for the kids but I know one day there will be an end to it all. I have learned to let some things go and priortize. For me this is hard. Also, I decided that this summer I will not be taking classes if at all possible. I need a break to get the house in order and spend the summer with the kids. Good luck to you.
