Friday, March 27, 2009

Blog 8 Societal images of menopause

The societal image of menopause is a reflection of the information and hard facts that are available to society regarding menopause. It is human nature to be weary or negative towards things we do not know much about. Thank goodness for the researchers and medical professional who take the time and effort to uncover the unknown.
It is common to see t.v. commercials advertising drugs for women in menopause. However, the advertisements often leave out medical facts pertaining to menopause. The ads main purpose is to sell the drug not educate.
There are many resources for information regarding menopause. For example, National Institute on Aging (NIA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and The North American Menopause Society (NAMS). These websites are great resources for information but the general public does not seek out this information unless they have a specific interest.
A possible aide in educating the public on menopause is for the FDA to require the drug companies that sell and advertise drugs for menopause to include in their advertising medical facts and the most recent research findings pertaining to menopause.
The more accurate information the general public receives regarding menopause the better the opportunity to increase awareness and improve perception.


  1. I have to agree with you. Its very much like all advertisements. There main intrest is to sell the item rather than give all the info needed on it. The importance of including medical facts in the advertisements would really be beneficial to the audience. There are so many myths about menopause, that if people don't feed there brains with knowledge on it, they will believe these myths and not ever know the facts about menopause.
    Great Job!

  2. Congrats to you as well!! I am due November 19th. I have my first ultrasound this Thursday!! In regards to your blog...I think that all drug companies do that with all medicine. They don't want you to know all the the side effects, just the common ones. I agree that they should note in their ads the new research findings and why their medication will work better.

  3. I agree. Not only do these commercials promote the drug as if it is the only hope, but they never address a woman's sexuality. Every other commercial sells sex, but menopause commercials show some poor woman unable to cope with her head in the freezer. I want to see a commercial where a woman comes out of the doctor's office and screams "'s finally over!!!" Why do we have to focus on all the negatives that come with menopause, why not at least include the positives aspects?
