Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog 6

I personally think it is perfectly fine for a woman to decide she does not want to have children or would rather wait until she has reached a certain level in her career. I have a few friends in their 30's who do not have children yet and they are not in a hurry because they have goals they want to accomplish prior to the commitment of children. Also, I have a couple of girlfriends that do not want children at all. One of the girls is married and her husband feels the same about not having children. The other girl is not married but she does not think she will change her mind even if she does eventually marry. Having children is a major responsibility and a life time commitment. If a woman does not want to make that commitment then she shouldn't be forced into a situation that would make her and possibly the child unhappy.
Family members are notorious for putting pressure on the woman to reproduce. Woman have to be strong and stand their ground in order to not be overwhelmed by pressure.
When I was in my mid twenties I was content with the idea that I may never have kids. I was the oldest of a very large family and I was not in any hurry to care for another child. I had an unplanned pregnancy at age 27 and I am very grateful for my little girl but I had some very difficult times, financially and mentally. Waiting or not having children is being responsible for yourself by not getting in a situation that you are not yet prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Having kids is such a huge responsibility. It takes commitement and dedication to be a good mother. As a single 23 year old mom, I have had to be strong through many situations. Although my son is only four-months, I can only imagine the strength and situations I will have to endure and be prepared for as he continues to grow.I love him dearly. However, I can understand why some couples choose not to have kids. Good point, about coming from a big family, and not wanting to have children.
