Saturday, February 21, 2009

Blog 4

I am not an advocate for sex education in schools if it involves teaching my child to use a condom or other birth control methods. I don't think every adolescent or teen has sex. I know this from a personal experience. I am an advocate for teaching about the reproduction organs and the processes. Also, I am for teaching about stats on teen pregnancy, STDs, and other infections relating to sex. Resources can be provided for additional information; however, I think it is up to the parents to choose which resources they want to educate their child/children. My family has a very strong Christian faith and that will be our foundation for teaching. My husband and I want to use our own way to teach our children on what we think is acceptable in addition to what may be acceptable to others in society. It is very important to me to teach my own children and not the school.
When I went through menarche it was a very weird but exciting situation. I had just turned 11 years old and my mother didn't believe me when I told her I started my cylce. She was at work when I called and told her. She said I was too young and I probably hurt myself during a physical activity. When she got home that evening she brought me pads and asked if I knew how to use them, which I replied yes and that was the end of our conversation. My girlfriends were very excited for me and it was a HUGE deal.
I have an idea of how I am going to have "The Talk" with my daughter. We love to have picnics or go fishing together so I plan to schedule a day where we can do either or both. It will be a relaxed atmosphere. I plan to start asking questions before the talk to keep abreast on what she knows and what she hears from peers. I will start with a refresher on basic facts. I will share some of my experiences as a teen. I will ask her opinion on sex. I plan on purchasing a few books from a local Christian store and provide her with videos that my husband and I approve for her to watch on the topic of sex and peer pressure. Finally, I will guide her to for references. It gives many examples of teens and different situations they have encountered on pressures regarding premarital sex.
I want my children to hear from my husband and I first about the sex talk and we want to choose what resource we will use in educating our children about sex.


  1. I think you have a good idea as a way to approach your children about sex, but are they open enough with you to actually tell you how they really feel about sex? Eventhough every teen doesn't have sex they should still be taught in schools as well. They might learn it better from another source.

  2. I agree parents should be the one's tell their children about sex and what contraceptions are out there, but I also think the schools should still have sex education for the kids who will not hear it from their parents. I worked at a school that was 3-5 grade as a health assistant. It was my job to have the talk about puberity with the 5th graders. There was a video that went along with my speech. I also had to get permission slips signed by the parents in order for their child to go hear about it. The parents also had a chance to see the video before the day we were to have the puberity talk. Some parents were happy that we were doing this and some were not. The parents that didn't want their kids to hear about it, were pretty upset that we were doing this at 5th grade. Truth is quiet a few 5th graders had already begun puberity. I was in 6th grade when it happened for me and it was 7th grade before the school did the talk.
    It will always be up to the parents/guardians to decide when they are ready to have the "talk" with their child, but the schools should be allowed to help.
