Saturday, February 14, 2009

Preventive Practices

On a scale 1 to 10 I would rate my preventive practices at a 5. I do exercise and try to eat healthy during the week. However, my exercise routine is not always consistent and I tend to eat more than my fair share of junk food on the weekend. I have a healthy marriage and a healthy 5 year old little girl. My family has a strong faith in Christianity and we are involved in our church on a weekly basis. The ways I can improve my health is to nix the junk food on the weekends. We eat pretty healthy during the week and come the weekends I am craving pizza, chips and dip, and something chocolate! I feel like I completely undo everything I did during the week.
The advertisement for all the junk food is everywhere! I think I would be less tempted and my daughter wouldn't ask for it so much if there wasn't an advertisement posted on every other billboard and every other t.v. commercial. Healthy lifestyles should be taught in the schools as well. During the week our children spend more time at school and daycare than in our home so it is important for healthy behavior to be taught while they are away from home. Some parents may need help on creative ideas to include healthy behaviors in the home. Why doesn't the media focus on advertising to the parents about healthy behaviors in the home? If there was more money to gain from healthy behaviors in the home than you would definitely see it everywhere on t.v. and billboards. I am excited to become a health educator in order to improve my lifestyle and influence others.


  1. I would have to agree that junk food advertisements are everywhere! They make it so tempting for the consumer.
    Practicing a healthy lifestyle is very important and I believe it should be taught more in the school system. Young children and adolescents benefit from physical activity and physical education. Physical activity has declined among the youth population and it is essential that schools implement physical education programs to encourage and improve the health of this generation!

  2. I know that in my family junk food and chocolate were rewards for good behavior, so we were conditioned to think it was fun to eat junk food whereas fruits and vegetables were a punishment. What if we start with a mindset that says exercise and healthy eating are rewarding and fun? Wouldn't that make it easier to convince our kids to make healthier choices?

  3. Silver,
    I too am a junk food addict. I crave junk food more than anything. I try to eat healthy but it is pretty expensive these days for a full time college student who works part time. I wish there were less advertisement for junk food and less aisles at the store that are full of these foods. I need to increase my junk food consumption and increase my physical activities. People have told me when I go grocery shopping to only shop on the outer edges of the grocery store because that's where the necessities are. The most healthy foods are on the edges of the grocery stores like bread aisle, fruit aisle, milk aisle, and meat aisle. If you shop in the middle aisles of the store that is where you will find the junk and fattening foods that are not needed in a healthy diet. Maybe you should try shopping this way and maybe it will work for you!
